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adventurers wanted


100 hp

Max Cruise

133 ktas

Max Altitude

18,000 ft

Max Range

625 nm

Useful Load

505 lb
(229 kg)

Pipistrel Explorer aircraft sits on the ground facing sideways

The Most Advanced Aircraft in its Category

A bold claim, yet the Explorer delivers. The clean lines and efficient design provide superior performance with minimum power required. The Explorer is the highest performing aircraft in the CS-LSA category.

The Explorer’s durability, speed and performance make it an ideal aircraft for operation in remote locations, including an extensive variety of temperatures and altitudes. Approved for Day/Night VFR operation and intentional spins, the aircraft is matched with an IFR-ready avionics package. The Explorer is ready for you.

Best in Class

The Explorer is the finest equipped, affordable and comfortable two-seat EASA type certified aircraft in its category. Featuring IFR-ready avionics, dual touchscreen Garmin G3X, advanced auto-pilot, constant speed propeller and airbrakes all standard, the Explorer is the best option for personal travel, as a club workhorse or an advanced trainer.

why explorer?

Safety as Standard

The Explorer incorporates the HDSW (Haptic Device Stall Warning) system, which alerts pilots approaching a stall. The full airframe parachute system adds peace of mind and the modern, carbon construction creates a robust, rugged workhorse.


The Explorer boasts an efficiently-designed airframe, low fuel consumption and approval to operate both AVGAS and MOGAS. All while still providing exceptional versatility and equipment. It’s approved for Day/Night VFR operations, intentional spins and packed with equipment including the Garmin G3X avionics package, air brakes, constant speed propeller and airframe parachute rescue system all as standard.

Technical Data Pipistrel Explorer


Prenesi brošuro

The Virus SW 121A – Explorer is the most advanced aircraft in its category. It is one step ahead of its older brother, the Virus SW 121. It is the result of over 30 years of Pipistrel’s experience in designing energy-efficient motor-planes, which follow the glider philosophy. The extraordinarily clean aircraft shapes enable flying with minimum power and noise, as well as the lowest fuel consumption, while keeping the performance on the same level or even better. Approved for intentional spins and Night VFR, the Explorer has the best flight characteristics in its category.

Strukturna učinkovitost je vsota znanja, pridobljenega pri izdelavi 1500 letal iz iste družine produktov. Celotna družina letal SW 121, certificirana in uporabljana v najrazličnejših okoljih po vsem svetu, izpolnjuje pričakovanja najzahtevnejših kupcev, ki letalo uporabljajo v vročih in vlažnih ali ekstremno hladnih razmerah, slanem zraku blizu morja ali na visokogorskih letališčih.

Z vsemi svojimi naprednimi značilnostmi in vrhunsko zmogljivostjo je Explorer izjemno učinkovit, z okolju prijazno zasnovo pa je izjemno enostaven za letenje in upravljanje. Rezultati so nizki stroški delovanja in vzdrževanja, zaradi česar je najbolj cenovno ugodna izbira na trgu, bodisi za napredno usposabljanje bodisi kot osebno potniško letalo za pustolovce.

Explorer ima najboljšo opremo v kategoriji, kot je npr.:

  • steklena kabina z dvojnim zaslonom občutljivim na dotik
  • avtopilot z vsemi funkcijami
  • dvojni radio
  • ADS-B In & Out
  • haptično opozorilo o porušitvi vzgona
  • balistični reševalni padalski sistem za celotno ogrodje
  • certificiran motor, ki ga lahko poganja avtomobilsko gorivo
  • certificiran hidravlični propeler konstantne hitrosti
  • zračne zavore za hitro spuščanje
  • vlečna kljuka za jadralno letalo
  • odobritev za nočni VFR
  • odobritev namernega izvajanja obratov
  • nastavljivi pedali in vzglavniki
It is important to highlight Explorer’s key outstanding characteristics:

Fast and economic performance

It is the fastest, most capable and the most economic aircraft in the CS-LSA category. Its speed performance allows it to fly at IFR speeds in/near complex airspaces and procedures, so it can be used for private use and training also at busy airports next to airliners, without slowing down the other traffic.

EASA Type-Certificate

It is the first and the only EASA Type-certified aircraft (no restrictions, category “normal”) in the CS-LSA category for night VFR operations, intentional spins and glider-towing, the only one with an autopilot, dual redundant ADAHRS units and airbrakes. It can be used for commercial operations and it is the ideal solution for PPL training.

Safety based on modern technology

The Explorer incorporates a haptic stall warning system, already in use in the Velis Electro and Velis Club, which alerts the pilot when approaching the stall. The full-airframe ballistic parachute rescue system adds the ultimate layer of safety in those situations when all other measures were ineffective.

The Explorer (and the SW 121 aircraft family) is the first small aircraft in history to be type-certified with 3D printed parts.

Multiple learning purposes

The Explorer can be used for different learning purposes: from being a very simple initial trainer at the beginning of the process to more advanced systems – such as constant speed propeller, negative flaps, airbrakes and autopilot – which can be included later. The instructor can slowly increase the difficulty of subjects in the later stages of training by gradual addition of new systems and options which the aircraft is certified for (intentional spins, longer routes and the use of auto-pilot, also during the night, thanks to the night VFR approval etc).

The Explorer enables flight schools to substitute their multi-aircraft system, where they have to use at least one aircraft for basic training and another for advanced training, for one aircraft only. By combining all the capabilities typically obtained with many aircraft into a single one, they can drastically lower the initial costs of the training fleet.

“En-route IFR” training

The Explorer is packed with state-of-the-art navigation and communication equipment. As such it can also be partially used for “en-route IFR” training in several countries This makes the Explorer the only 2-seat aircraft in the market which enables training from the simplest beginnings to the difficulty of a twin-engine aircraft for obtaining higher pilot licences.

Glider towing

Being type-certified for glider towing makes the Explorer very useful for clubs as all-in-one aircraft for training, cross-country flight, and glider towing, offering the flight hours on an aircraft to be fully used.

Technical Data for Pipistrel Virus SW 121A – Explorer
MOTORRotax 912 S3, s certifikatom EASA
največja moč100 KM, 73,5 kW
PROPELER2-kraki Hidravlični CS MTV-33-1-A/170-200 s certifikatom EASA
dolžina6.42 m (21.06 ft)
Razpon kril10.70 m (35.10 ft)
Višina1.90 m (6.23 ft)
površina kril9.51 m2 (102.4 ft2)
mean aerodynamic chord0.898 m (2.95 ft)
Vitkost krila12.04
Pozitivna zakrilca0°, +9.5°, +20°; marked (0), (+1), (+2) respectively
negativna zakrilca-5°; označena kot (-)
Center gravitacije25% – 35% MAC
Prazna teža letala371 kg (818 lb)
Največja vzletna teža (MTOW)600 kg (1323 lb)
Uporabni tovor229 kg (505 lb)
Maksimalna teža prtljage25 kg (55 lb)
Kapaciteta rezervoarjev za gorivo2 x 50 l
uporabno gorivo2 x 49.5 l
Vne-Najvišja dovoljena hitrost163 KTAS
max structural cruising speed, except in smooth air, VNO120 KIAS
Najvišja manevrska hitrost, VA100 KIAS
max flaps extended speed, VFE81 KIAS
max airbrakes extended speed, VAE100 KIAS
Hitrost zastoja (z zakrilci), VS047 KIAS
Zastoj brez zakrilc53 KIAS
Omejitve vlekeJadralno letalo do 600 kg (za dosego največ 500m vzletne razdalje preko 15m ovire)
Najboljša hitrost za vzpenjanje78 KIAS
Najvišja hitrost vzpenjanja5,33 m/s (1050 ft/min)
Vzletna razdalja pri NM0160 m (525 ft)
Vzletna razdalja preko 15m ovire pri NM0320 m (1,050 ft)
Največja višina poletanja3048 m (10,000 ft) MSL
Največja obratovalna višina5486 m (18,000 ft) MSL
Dovoljeno gorivoAVGAS, MOGAS ali avtomobilsko gorivo (min RON 95; EN228 Premium ali Premium plus z največ 10% etanola)
Poraba goriva na 2000 ft. pri potovalni hitrosti ob 75% moči18.4 l/h (4.86 gal/h)
Trajanje leta @4000 ft, 65% moč)5 h 33 min (+30 min rezerve)
Dolet (+ 30 min rezerva, @ 4000 ft, 65% moč)1189 km (642 nmi)
Raven hrupa (ICAO Priloga 16, poglavje 10)70 dB (A) (merjeno)
Maksimalni dovoljeni faktorji obremenitve4,0 g +, 2,0 g-

Opomba: Pipistrel si pridržuje pravico, da spremeni ta podatkovni list, kadar koli nastanejo spremembe zaradi izboljšanja izdelka, predpisov vlade/organa ali drugega tehtnega vzroka.

Explorer je najboljše letalo za vleko transparentov in jadralnih letal! Zakaj?

  • Izjemno močna in zaščitena vlečna kljuka
  • Nizek hrup (omogoča delovanje v naseljenih območjih)
  • Odlično vzpenjanje s propelerjem za stalno hitrost
  • Zračne zavore za zmanjšanje časa spusta
  • Odlična vidljivost iz kabine

Varen in varčen:

  • Preizkušena osnovna konstrukcija letala (1500+ enot, ki letijo po vsem svetu v najbolj težavnih pogojih)
  • Letalsko gorivo Avgas ni potrebno (uporablja navadno avtomobilsko gorivo)
  • Nizka poraba goriva
  • Nizki stroški obratovanja (manj kot 60 EUR/h, vključno z vzdrževanjem in amortizacijo)

The entire SW 121 aircraft family (of which the Explorer is a member) has proven itself as the tow airplanes in many marketing campaigns, championships and flight clubs, towing all types of banners and gliders of all weights, among others as the official towplane of the junior world gliding championship!

Dokazano kot letalo za vleko od travnatih do betonskih vzletno-pristajalnih stez, v ekstremno vročih ali hladnih razmerah, od nizkih mokrih območij blizu morja do visokogorskih letovišč.

Capable to tow from short runways

In standard atmosphere and on asphalt runway, the 15 m obstacle is overflown:

  • pri vleki 600 kg MTOM jadralnega letala s 600-metrske steze
  • pri vleki 750 kg MTOM jadralnega letala z 800-metrske steze

Izjemno močna in zaščitena vlečna kljuka omogoča nešteto ponovitev.

Nizek hrup omogoča delovanje neposredno nad naseljenimi območji, kar je bistvenega pomena za dober rezultat promocijskih akcij z vleko transparentov.

Poznavanje letalskih priročnikov naredi vaše letenje veliko varnejše in učinkovitejše. Objave na strani Pipistrel Technical Publication Portal so vaša osrednja lokacija, kjer lahko najdete vse priročnike in informacije o storitvah na enem samem mestu.

Iščite po vsebini, največji vzletni teži, kategoriji ali imenu modela. Funkcijo iskanja najdete tudi v zgornjem desnem kotu portala tehničnih publikacij.

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The Virus SW 121A – Explorer is a new member of the EASA Type-certified SW121 product family.
All the certificates and registrations which apply to Virus SW121 are also valid for the SW121A – Explorer.

See the documents below:


SW 121 TC Južna Afrika

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