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efficiency by design


100 hp

Max Cruise

133 ktas

Max Altitude

18,000 ft

Max Range

625 nm

Useful Load

573 lb
(260 kg)

join the club

Velis Club offers exceptional two-seat versatility. As a high-performance aircraft with a constant speed propeller and heavy duty landing gear, it provides an ideal platform for flight training, touring and glider towing capability.

The Velis Club is one of three aircraft that make up the Velis family. Complementing the Velis Electro and Explorer perfectly as part of the Velis training system, the Velis Club covers all areas of basic and advanced pilot training under VFR conditions. Its ability to absorb the hardest landings on tarmac or grass supplements its impressive list of attributes. It is well suited for intentional spins and UPRT training in addition to glider towing capability.

cost efficient

Combining proven airframe and engine designs with the simplicity and durability required of a club aircraft, the Velis Club is not only capable but affordable. The outstanding aerodynamic efficiencies and robust, lightweight structure provide superior performance with low fuel consumption and low environmental impact. The Club, as part of the Velis family, is designed to lower the cost of flying while providing industry-leading levels of capability.

why velis club?

Safety Features
  • EASA CS-LSA certified and fully approved for Day VFR operations, intentional spins and grass runway operations.
  • Equipped with an optional ballistic parachute rescue system offering peace of mind.
  • Proven track record training thousands of pilots across the world with a strong, robust design.
  • Low cost to purchase and operate.
  • Versatility in one design with capability for glider towing.
  • Belongs to the Velis family, which provides a range of aircraft to meet all your training needs.
Technical Data Pipistrel Velis Club

VELIS CLUB: the most versatile type-certified two-seat aircraft

The perfect combination of affordability, efficiency and performance.

Prenesi brošuro


The Velis Club suits a wide range of uses from basic flight instruction, to glider towing, and long-range cross-country flying with unbeatable performance.
The Club is the essential element of the Velis Training System, complementing the Velis Electro and the Velis VR simulator to cover all the areas of basic and advanced pilot training. The exceptional outside visibility, together with the simple and reliable avionics suite, is ideal for pilots learning the fundamentals of VFR flying. Its heavy-duty landing gear is able to absorb even the hardest of the landings and permits routine operations from grass runways. Approved for intentional spins, the Velis Club is also perfectly suited for advanced UPRT training.

The constant-speed variable-pitch propeller brings faster cruise speeds and better fuel economy. Flying at up to 132 KTAS and offering more than 1000 km of range, this fast high-performance cruiser is a fantastic aeroplane for cross-country flying.

Z opcijskim dodatkom vlečne kljuke je Velis Club odobren tudi za vleko jadralnih letal


The Velis Club, as an EASA type-certified aircraft, has demonstrated safety levels required by the CS-LSA regulation by successfully passing all the qualification tests. The Rotax 912 S3 engine, also EASA certified, is a proven powerplant with a vast operational history.
Based on the excellent safety characteristics of their already certified predecessors Virus SW 121 and Velis Electro, the Velis Club incorporates additional features that enhance safety beyond what certification requires, such as the multi-sensory-path stall warning system, intentional spin approval, and the Ballistic Parachute Recovery System.

Sistem opozarjanja na zastoj temelji na merjenju realnega vpadnega kota in je sestavljen iz haptičnih vibracij pilotske palice, zvočnega alarma v slušalkah in akustičnega opozorila v pilotski kabini.

Balistično reševalno padalo Galaxy GRS je mogoče namestiti kot dodatno opremo. Sistem je zasnovan kot druga možnost, ki presega zahteve standarda certificiranja in se jo lahko uporabi, če vse druge rešitve ne pomagajo več.

Stroškovna učinkovitost

Velis Club združuje trup in motor preizkušenega Virusa SW121 s preprostostjo in vzdržljivostjo klubskega letala, ki se lahko uporablja tudi za šolanje pilotov. Izjemna aerodinamična učinkovitost in robustna lahka struktura Velis Club-a rezultirata v visoko zmogljivem letalu z nizko porabo goriva, nizkimi stroški in majhnim vplivom na okolje. Dodatna oprema, kot so prtljažni prostor, balistični reševalni sistem, pokrovi koles in še kaj, omogočajo prilagodljivemu Velis Club-u, da se uskladi z vašim proračunom.

Če želite izvedeti več o tem, kako lahko Velis Club zniža stroške letenja v vaši organizaciji, se obrnite na predstavnika Pipistrela.

Technical Data Pipistrel Velis Club
MOTORRotax 912 S3, s certifikatom EASA
Največja moč poletanja (2 vplinjača)100 KM (73,5 kW)
PROPELER2-kraki Hidravlični propeler s konstantno hitrostjo MTV-33-1-A/170-200 in certifikatom EASA
dolžina6,40 m (21,0 ft)
Razpon kril10.70 m (35.10 ft)
Višina2.06 m (6.75 ft)
površina kril9.51 m2 (102.4 ft2)
Pozitivna zakrilca0°, +9.5°, +20°; marked (0), (+1), (+2) respectively
negativna zakrilca-5°; označena kot (-)
Prazna teža letala340 kg (750 lb)
največja predpoletna teža (MTOW)600 kg (1323 lb)
Uporabni tovor260 kg (573 lb)
Maksimalna teža prtljage25 kg (55 lb)
Kapaciteta rezervoarjev za gorivo2 x 50 l
uporabno gorivo2 x 49.5 l
Vne-Najvišja dovoljena hitrost163 KTAS
max structural cruising speed, except in smooth air, VNO120 KIAS
Najvišja manevrska hitrost, VA100 KIAS
max flaps extended speed, VFE81 KIAS
max airbrakes extended speed, VAE100 KIAS
Hitrost zastoja (z zakrilci), VS047 KCAS
stall speed without flaps, VS53 KTAS
Omejitve vlekeJadralno letalo do 600 kg (za dosego največ 500m vzletne razdalje preko 15m ovire)
Najboljša hitrost za vzpenjanje78 KIAS
Najvišja hitrost vzpenjanja5,33 m/s (1050 ft/min)
Vzletna razdalja pri NM0160 m (525 ft)
Vzletna razdalja preko 15m ovire pri NM0320 m (1,050 ft)
Največja višina poletanja3048 m (10,000 ft) MSL
Največja obratovalna višina5486 m (18,000 ft) MSL
Dovoljeno gorivoAVGAS, MOGAS or car fuel (min RON 95; EN228 Premium or Premium plus with max. 10% Ethanol)
fuel consumption at 2000 ft.75% PWR cruise speed 18.4 l/h (4.86 gal/h)
Trajanje leta @4000 ft, 65% moč)5 h 33 min (+30 min rezerve)
Dolet(+ 30 min reserve, @4000 ft., 65 % power) 1189 km (642 nmi)
Raven hrupa (ICAO Priloga 16, poglavje 10)70 dB (A) (merjeno)
Maksimalni dovoljeni faktorji obremenitve+4.0 g, -2.0 g

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