Pilot and Keynote-Speaker Morell Westerman and Renewable Energy company WINDPOWER offer electric aircraft in exchange for suitable areas for photovoltaic installations within Germany – one step closer to a climate-neutral way of electric aviation.
Two innovative projects link Swiss Keynote-Speaker Morell Westermann and the WINDPOWER Group from Regensburg: the electric world record flight as a milestone in the further development of private electric aviation and the installation of a solar power plant at the airfield of Burg Feuerstein. The idea of harvesting the sustainable power of the sun connects WINDPOWER to the vision and mission of the project “electric world record flight”: both, solar energy and its use as fuel in electric aviation are climate-friendly, quiet and highly efficient.

Earning money with photovoltaics on unused areas:
Numerous individuals, businesses, agriculture and industry are already providing roofs and land to generate solar power. Fallow land at airports is perfectly suitable for the installation of photovoltaic systems, which generate climate-friendly electricity for onsite consumption.
(Picture: Airport Neuhardenberg)
Throughout numerous projects, WINDPOWER transferred their expertise gained in the wind industry since 1995 to the photovoltaic sector. The company’s focus lies on the installation of high-performance photovoltaic systems on momentarily unused areas such as commercial or industrial roof tops and fallow lying land – for example at airports.
“Our goal is to expand infrastructure for electromobility and prepare the airfields for solar aviation with the help of photovoltaics. To this end, we have joined forces with Morell Westermann. Together we developed the deal “electric aircraft for areas” which makes it possible for our clients to earn money out of their unused land – and at the same time take the next step toward climate-neutral aviation.”
Armin Schmid, Head of Project Development Photovoltaics at WINDPOWER
Here is how the “Flugzeug gegen Fläche“ (“Electric aircraft for area”) project works: For each 5 hectares (50.000m2) of land within Germany that the airfield operators or land owners make available to the Windpower company for the construction of a modern solar park, they receive a Velis Electro airplane in exchange. The generated solar power opens huge possibilities for the installation of climate-friendly charging infrastructure.

The onsite consumption of the generated solar power is an ideal solution for a large part of operationally used real estate. Precisely this synergy of grid expansion, power generation and onsite consumption makes photovoltaic projects at airfields so exciting when thinking of future ways of aviation and of cause climate protection.
(Picture: Christian Horn)
Roof top areas at airports can also be “exchanged”: for up from 1,000 m², for example, the charging infrastructure for electric cars can be set up.
At the customer’s request, we will of course implement the projects with flexible rental or lease models. You want to get your free electric aircraft? Visit our website for an analysis of the photovoltaic potential of your area – without commitment or cost:

Morell Westermann is a futurologist, engineer and pilot. He analyzes the megatrends of the next ten years and examines various developments in technologies that will shape our society in the future.
As an expert on the topics of aviation, electromobility and digitalization, he points the way to a CO₂-neutral society. Morell regularly appears at events and congresses as a keynote speaker, moderator and as an expert on German and Swiss television.
His electric world record flight from the Alps to the North Sea has earned him a reputation for not only talking about the issues, but also making the innovations tangible to audiences. Several thousand readers a month visit his blog on e-mobility topics.

The two engineers Hans Lenz and Willi Braun founded WINDPOWER in 1995. Their vision was to develop and expand renewable energy capacities in their home region – based on the participation of as many citizens as possible in the financial returns of the power plants. To date, the team has (co-)installed around 70 wind and solar power plants and operates a renewable energy park with more than 110 megawatts of installed capacity. Those power plants provide an amount of 210 million kilowatt-hours per year that saves us an amount of 240,000 tons of CO2 compared to lignite based energy production
For more information please contact Mr. Morell Westermann: